Spring has sprung! With tiny buds on our trees and sporadic patches of green grass throughout my lawn I smile. The simplicity in just saying the word “Spring” holds so much meaning for me. It’s a new start, a blank canvas, a strong deep cleansing breath. With the freshness of Spring upon us it’s perfect timing for Amanda Fish Photography to create a little change and start with something new. The past 7 years in my photography journey have been wonderful. I have absolutely zero complaints and am honored to have met so many amazing people along the way. However, for a couple of years now I have felt this tug on my heart to explore something more. To take that next step in my business. So, that leads me to this past Wednesday when I officially signed my very first lease to have MY OWN STUDIO!!!
Can you believe it? Finally, I am just going to do it. I have spent endless hours researching, explored many options and looked at numerous spaces. I wanted to make sure I found a space that fit for me, my clients and my business goals. Well, it finally popped up and I couldn’t be more excited. I’m trembling as I write this post because my excitement is equally paired with nerves. My new space has some sweat that needs to be poured into it first. However, I am looking forward to posting images very soon and I cannot wait to open the doors to past and future clients.
With this new space comes creativity and the ability to photograph all year round. There are holes in my portfolio that I am anxious to fill with more experience. So stay tuned everyone and thank you for everyone’s support in making this dream come true for me. Without it… I wouldn’t be at this place today.
With love,