For awhile now, Brandon has enjoyed taking pictures. I distinctively remember a moment we had this summer where he took some images during one of our family outings. While looking through them together I commented on his amazing shots and talent. His face lit up and his eyes got teary. He told me how much those words meant to him coming from me. I was surprised because I think we all doubt ourselves and our abilities from time to time. However, in his 7-year-old eyes I was the best photographer in the world and for me to compliment his skills was like telling him he was just like me! It was in that moment where I was reminded of the power of parent/child relationships. We are their worlds and our words carry so much weight in shaping their characters.
I cannot wait to watch him grow as a person, artist or whatever he wishes to become. Today, he wanted to be a photographer just like his mommy! And, if just for a day… I wanted to document our shared passion.
So, here is Brandon having a “session” with Charlie…